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"From wonder into wonder existence opens."


Our Philosophy

We are inspired by the practices of Waldorf, Reggio-Emilia and Montessori models of care. Ultimately though, our playschool is guided by the children themselves. 

We believe that children have the right to experience childhood in natural environments that allow (and encourage!) children to move freely, explore endlessly, create wildly, sing proudly, read often, embrace getting messy and find the joy that comes with learning. 

Our mission is to leave the door to curiosity open- where answers to questions can be investigated and children and adults, alike, are always learning!

N.A.P. (Nature, Art, Play!)


Our outdoor-immersive, place-based program operates on the belief that all children should be given ample time to experience and connect with their natural environment. We know that children who have a relationship with the land grow into adults who care for the land. Research shows that time in nature has numerous health and academic benefits including cognitive development, social and emotional development, motor skill development and life skills. 


Our child-led, emergent curriculum trusts the process of the child to create freely. Children make sense of the world around them and process thoughts and emotions through the creation of art. 

Unlike heavily teacher-prepared crafts, children at N.A.P. will have complete executive control over what they choose to create. We emphasize the process over the product, helping bring out the joy of making art without the pressure of making something "good" or "right".


Play is the foundation of childhood (and life!). Children learn about their world, grow peer connections, process emotions, build conflict resolution skills and challenge themselves appropriately through play. Research supports that children who are given the time and space to play freely in these early years of childhood are building the foundation for all the academic and social skills they will need in the future.  Play is Kindergarten readiness. 

Dry Sticks

Natural Art of Play


Facebook: Natural Art of Play

Instagram: @naturalartofplay

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